News & Events
Support the HESP Clinic Support Fund!
The Hearing and Speech Clinic Fund supports the operations and priorities of the Hearing and Speech Clinic in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences.
HESP Clinic Partnership Provides Hearing Aids to 150 Holocaust Survivors | BSOS Annual Update
Congratulations to Lisa Rickard for HESP's Hearing Aids for Holocaust Survivors program reaching 150 clients and being featured in the BSOS Annual Update.
Wearing hearing aids could reduce your risk of dying earlier
For people with hearing loss, regular use of hearing aids could reduce the risk of dying earlier by 24 percent vs. not wearing them at all
Wearing hearing aids could reduce your risk of dying earlier - Read more
CMS Publishes Expanded Coverage for Cochlear Implants Under Medicare
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have recently published details on its decision to expand coverage for cochlear implants under Medicare. This provides a significant improvement in access to care for older adults who are Medicare beneficiaries allowing individuals with hearing test scores between >40% and ≤60% to qualify for cochlear implantation.
CMS Publishes Expanded Coverage for Cochlear Implants Under Medicare - Read more